
« Help » Cross-site API Documentation

Zvini Cross-site API allows websites to access user data by first obtaining a cross-site API key and then by calling API methods with HTTP. The API methods can be called with either GET or POST methods. The base URL of all the methods is https://zvini.com/cross-site-api-call/. The response returned from the server is always a JSON document.

To access an API method a website requires a cross-site API key. It's a random password. To obtain the key the website should redirect the web browser to https://zvini.com/confirm-website/ and pass the url parameter containing the address that the cross-site API key is to be issued for. After successful confirmation the browser will be redirected to the website located at url with added cross_site_api_key and location parameters. To call an API method the cross_site_api_key parameter should be present and its value should be the issued random password.

Click below to see a PHP example code that calls a cross-site API method.
PHP Example
Below is a list of errors that are expected from any cross-site API method:
INVALID_CROSS_SITE_API_KEY - The cross-site API key is invalid.

Returns current user's username.