
« Received » get

place/received/get - Returns a single existing received place.
Method parameters:
id - The ID of the received place to get.
Returns a JSON document of the following format:
id: <number> - The ID of the received place.
sender_username: <string> - The username of who sent the place.
latitude: <number> - The latitude of the received place.
longitude: <number> - The longitude of the received place.
altitude: <number> - The altitude of the received place.
name: <string> - The name of the received place.
description: <string> - The description of the received place.
tags: <string> - The space-separated list of tags.
insert_time: <number> - The Unix timestamp of when the place was received.
Expected errors:
RECEIVED_PLACE_NOT_FOUND - A received place with the ID doesn't exist.